View of festival and crowds. Photo courtesy of WWF, Maritime Festival, 2005 Working Waterfront Festival New Bedford, Massachusetts

Working Waterfront Festival
New Bedford, MA
The Working Waterfront Festival, which was created by folklorist Laura Orleans, has become the flagship event interpreting and celebrating the region"s commercial fishing industry. This annual event provides a unique opportunity for the commercial fishing community to tell its own story in an engaging public forum. Bringing together of a cross-section of the commercial fishing community, the event features those who are currently working in the industry as well as old-timers who have not been down to the docks in years. The festival showcases the occupational and artistic skills of a wide range of tradition bearers including fishermen, fish processors, cooks, boat builders, Coast Guard rescuers, musicians, and net makers . It presents the rich culture of this community to visitors through innovative and dynamic programming which invites participation and dialogue.